Kamis, 28 Juni 2018

Collaborative writing skills - Doing Paper’s Group Together Easily in A Distance

I believe that each students in the around the world have ever felt doing groups’ assignment, but how do you do it? Have you ever tried to finish it together even though you and the group can’t meet face to face? Or maybe you just divide the work to each member of the group? 
So, there is a way for you who want to do your papers’ group together but confuse because you can’t meet them as often as you can. The way is by
writing the paper in the google drive!
In google drive, many people can join to write, erase, revise, and give comments together. They can have a discussion there. You also can insert many pictures, videos to support your paper. You can improve your wrting skills  through this way, because you other friends will give you some comments and advice if you have a wrong sentence or other. 
        Moreover, this way is not only for doing group assignments, but also have many function such as have a writing consultation when you have writing assignments or your thesis with the teachers. The teacher can give many comments directly and you also can revise it directly. So you don’t need to make a meeting schedule because you and your teacher can do it anytime you and your teacher want. Don’t worry about what have your teacher advise and everything that you should revise because all of comments Is always saved except it erased intentionally. Isn’t it sounds good? 
Here is me and my group’s activities when we write our writing assignments about the most visited website using google drive.


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