Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

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Keep Learning - Self Directed Professional Development

" If you don't keep on learning, you will be left behind" 

Mokhammad Syaifudin, M.Ed, Ph.D

            Time by time is passed, but technology and education is always developed. As we know that in this modern era, we can learn from many resources in everywhere and anytime. Many people have learned from academic education, but those knowledge is not enough. Maybe we have been finished our academic education since ten years ago, but does those knowledge is still enough in this modern era

Class Management


          In education field, teacher have to manage the class and the learning process, but in this modern era, there are many ways to manage the class with the help of technology.

Technology and The Teaching of Listening Skills

                Listening Skills is an important skills that students should acquire. Improving listening skill can learned in many ways, such as listening to the music, listening recording in the TOEFL, English radio channel, etc. The goal of teaching listening skills

Blogs in Teaching

            Blog is one of online tools that usually used to be people’s inspiration bridge in writing. People can write many thing in the blog such as their experience, knowledge, opinion, ideas, etc.

Kamis, 28 Juni 2018

Making A Lesson Plan in Effective way


              Everyone who study in teaching education will meet with lesson plan. Lesson plan is very important to the teacher and the learning process

Teaching Integrated Language Skill

              In this session we have learned about how to teach integrated skills in EFL/ESL classroom. In this modern era we can use technology to help us in teaching integrated skill, because as we know that technology has big effect to the humans' life. Through technology we will have many chance to be more creative in teaching integrated skill.

Discussion in a simple and effective way

In this modern era, have a discussion without meet with the person is easy, not only discussion but also learning process. For example if we want to improve our speaking skills we can learn from the native speaker without spend much money. We can have a video call or Skype with them, but of course we also have to have native speaker friends to communicate with them.
In the class, this way can help students to improve their listening skill and speaking skill. Don’t worry if in the class, there is one native speaker only but there are many students in the class because in the Skype we can have a video call together in large member,

Collaborative writing skills - Doing Paper’s Group Together Easily in A Distance

I believe that each students in the around the world have ever felt doing groups’ assignment, but how do you do it? Have you ever tried to finish it together even though you and the group can’t meet face to face? Or maybe you just divide the work to each member of the group? 
So, there is a way for you who want to do your papers’ group together but confuse because you can’t meet them as often as you can. The way is by

Teaching Idea – Promoting Reading Activities to Students Using Comic


         Reading is one kind of skills that students should acquire. Moreover, we know as well that reading have very important role to human’s life, but not all people around the world like reading, especially for students. Many students feel bored then sleepy when they faced with books which have full text inside it. But did you realize something? That in this modern era many students never feel lazy and bored to read many things in their gadget, such as in messenger, social media,

Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

Lesson Plan

My lesson Plan


EFL Resources

EFL Resources 

Here are some EFL resources that useful to help you in learning English :

Duolingo: The Best Way to Learn a Language

This is an application that can you download from Google play or Play store. This is a game that make you always learn to expand your new vocabularies, spelling words, organize a sentences, your listening and etc. This application will help you to learn in fun mood because it serve like a game.

Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

Teaching and Learning Idea - Assessing Student's Reading Comprehension Through Mind-mapping

 Assessing Student's Reading Comprehension Through Mind-mapping

           In Education, we know as well that  reading is always done by students, because from reading we get so many information to develop our knowledge. In the other hand we often do many presentations in the class as our assignments even it in college, senior high school, junior high school or elementary school. Moreover, there are also other assignments that related to reading comprehension, such as make a summary, make a journal, make a book review and many other, but from those assignments, there are some questions for you :

Jumat, 22 Juni 2018

Presenting A Chronology in An Effective and Interesting Ways Using Timeline

 Presenting A Chronology in An Effective and Interesting Ways

         In Education, we know as well that there is always a historical in many aspects. It started from a historical story, a biography of a person, a daily activity, and many others. Have you ever asked to make a historical story? or maybe present in front of the class to tell our daily activity using simple past tense?

Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

Teaching writing - Make A Story Through Video Animation In Animaker

Do you like writing?

             Many people around the world like to write, whatever what is they writing about, even it write a novel, a short story, their own diary, their own blog or website, and the others. We know that in this era writing skill is very important to develop. We can see in a example If we want to apply for a job, of course that we have to make our CV and application letter because almost of companies always require both of them. We know that have a good writing skill is not easy, but we have to

About Me

Hello dear! My name is Chalifia Rafidah. 
Recently, I am a student of Teacher Education Department of State University in Indonesia. 
I love everything related to education. I am a passionate girl who adore to explore new things and still in charge to gain my magnificent pride. The world is still so big if you want to stop learning.
Let's be a long life learner, long life fighter!

Welcome to  my blog!